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The dormitory consists of 11 individual houses. Unfortunately, several nomenclatures exist:

street number number of the house / wing colour
49 11 black
51 7 & 8 yellow
51a 16 blue
53 9 & 10 orange
53a 12 purple
55 1 & 2 red
55a 13 gray
57 3 & 4 white
57a 14 turqoise
59 5 & 6 green
59a 15 pink

The new houses are those with the street numbers with an a as well as house 49. The room numbers always contain the number of the house / wing.

An overview of all houses can also be found on our Rommelmap.

The rooms’ address is:

Erwin-Rommel-Straße street number, App. room number
91058 Erlangen

"old" house "new" house