Here you get all the information to create an account: Info page joining the Association/get an account

Info for new residents

Dear fellow lodger!

Welcome to the Dormitory in Erwin-Rommel-Street, Erlangen. First of all, we would like to introduce ourselves:

Important People

The Tutors are students employed by the Studentenwerk (StW, student service). Their job is to aid the HL. Their duties include procurement, management and maintenance of the community establishment and responsibility for the realization of parties and community activities.

The following list shows the Board Members (Vorstandsmitglieder)
of Rommelwood e.V.:
* Chairman: Maximilian Pfindel 14.06.01
* Vice chairman: Janina Zhan 10226
* Treasurer: Konstantin Feldhege 13.05.10
* Secretary: Madita Schnabel 1224

The names of our current house speakers are listed on the
bulletin boards next to every house entrance and on our homepage.

Voluntarily working teams

Now you already know the most important people and institutions
of our dorm. Furthermore many fellow lodgers are voluntary members of
different teams, that want to improve the life of our dorm. You can see
the different teams and their activities below:

All departments depend on the voluntary commitment of their contributors/cooperators. If you are interested in working with a department to help maintain its existence, then don´t hesitate. We arealways looking for helping hands.

Further important information

Community establishments

Many community establishments are organized and financed by the Rommelwoode.V. semester fee:


Iron- and vacuum cleanerkey

Special equipment of the different houses