Info for new residents
Dear fellow lodger!
Welcome to the Dormitory in Erwin-Rommel-Street, Erlangen. First of all, we would like to introduce ourselves:
Important People
Residental Home Manager (Heimleiter, HL): Philipp Rüppel, room 8124, available at
The Residental Home Manager is a student employed by the
Studentenwerk (StW, student service). His job is to communicate with
the StW in case of problems in the dormitory. His duties include
procurement, management and maintenance of the community
stablishment and responsibility for the realisation of parties and
community activities. -
Janitor (Hausmeister): Mr. Rümpelein, Mr. Schütz, Mr. Gajos
You can meet them during their office hours from Monday to Friday 1.00 to 1.30 p.m. at his office (house 55a backside). Emergency numbers are listed at the office door.
If anything is damaged in your room or elsewhere in the dormitory (except private property), please fill in a defect report (Mängelanzeige). Take one of these sheets from the janitors office door, complete and put it in the janitors mailbox. Only then the damage can be repaired. Except for lightbulbs. You can buy and replace them on your own. -
Johann Höfler. contact: room 1004A
Jule Fischer. contact: room 14.03.04
The Tutors are students employed by the Studentenwerk (StW, student service). Their job is to aid the HL. Their duties include procurement, management and maintenance of the community establishment and responsibility for the realization of parties and community activities.
Rommelwood e.V.
Besides these employees of the StW there are several active
fellow lodgers and voluntary helpers who also want to improve
community life and have founded the Wohnheimverein (residential home
association): -
Assembly of mebers (Vollversammlung):
Meeting of all members to elect the board. - House meeting (Hausversammlung):
Meeting of all house lodgers to discuss house issues and elect the house speakers. - Departments (Referate):
Teams with the same interests, e.g. sports etc (see below). - Residential home council (Wohnheimrat):
Decides about activities of the Rommelwood e.V. association. - Board (Vorstand):
Represents the association to externals.
The following list shows the Board Members (Vorstandsmitglieder)
of Rommelwood e.V.:
* Chairman: Maximilian Pfindel 14.06.01
* Vice chairman: Janina Zhan 10226
* Treasurer: Konstantin Feldhege 13.05.10
* Secretary: Madita Schnabel 1224
The names of our current house speakers are listed on the
bulletin boards next to every house entrance and on our homepage.
Voluntarily working teams
Now you already know the most important people and institutions
of our dorm. Furthermore many fellow lodgers are voluntary members of
different teams, that want to improve the life of our dorm. You can see
the different teams and their activities below:
available at
Organizes and lets the Wohnheim Bar (orange house) on a lease.
opening hours: During Semester: Th., 8-12 pm -
Networkteam (Netzteam),
available at
Administrates the network and the website of the dorm. -
CinemaTeam (Kinoteam),
available at
The Cinemateam is in charge of the Rommelcinema for fellow lodgers.
Films are shown once a week during semester on a big screen using a video projector and a 5.1 sound system. -
Sports & Game Team
This team is responsible for the following community
establishments and organises different tournaments and other sport activities. Sports room in the white house, Billard + Kicker + Dart room in the yellow house. Please stop playing at 10 pm (because of noise). -
Bicycle Team (Fahrradteam),
available at
This team is responsible for the following community
establishments: Bike workshop behind the white house (Keys: Please consult the Bicycle Team-page) -
Garden Team (Gartenteam),
available at
The garden team takes care of the dormitory garden behind the green house and takes care of the dormitory grills (information on the Garden Team-page). -
Editorial Team (Redaktion),
available at
The editorial team is responsible for the social media presence of the Rommelwood e.V. on sites such as Facebook, Instagram and our homepage.
All departments depend on the voluntary commitment of their contributors/cooperators. If you are interested in working with a department to help maintain its existence, then don´t hesitate. We arealways looking for helping hands.
Further important information
Community establishments
Many community establishments are organized and financed by the Rommelwoode.V. semester fee:
Washing machines, dryers:
The network team maintains 2 washing mashines and 1 dryer each in the red and yellow washing rooms. They can be operated by car(d)wash, which can be used by all inhabitants of the old houses. For this, you need to register your FAU card here, then put the money in an envelope with your room number and pay into our cashbox in the yellow washing rooms. The inhabitants of the new houses can charge their cards in the cafeterias of the Studentenwerk and use them for washing in the gray and turqoise houses. -
Vacuum cleaner, ironing boards, laundry racks,…:
Look for notices on the bulletin boards or ask your house speakers. -
Big ovens:
There are two in the oven room in the orange
house next to the Bar. Key holders for the new ovens are listed at the black board of the orange house. Always keep the ovens clean!!! -
Beverage vending machine:
In the red washing room there is a cheap vending machine. The Bar Team keeps it filled.
- Use your room key to get inside.
- Blue container: paper and cartons
- Yellow Container: packings with the green point
- Green barrels: biological waste, NO PLASTIC BAGS!
- Metal silver sheet container and black containers: all other waste
- Glass and tins: special containers next to the street
- Clothing: special containers next to the street.
- The bulky rubbish is collected at the trash place in front of the yellow house. The place is opened every Wednesday from 13:00 to 15:00 o’clock. Please dispose of it orderly.
Iron- and vacuum cleanerkey
- In every house is somebody who can give you the key für the iron and the vacuum cleaner. In the protokolls of the last housemeeting you can see who it is.
Special equipment of the different houses
Community Rooms:
You can find a community room in
every house. If you want to hold a party there, you have to ask the
house speaker. And clean up afterwards -
Choining the association
Would you like to be able to take advantage of the exclusive offers of the association and at the same time ensure its continuity? Then join the association by filling out the membership application and put it in the letter box of the networking team (house 55a). -
Bulletin boards (schwarze Bretter):
According to the tenancy agreement (Mietvertrag) you have to read the bulletin boards
regularly, we recommend you to do this once a week. -
The most important locations in the environment are collected on this map.