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Editorial Team

What does the Editorial Team do?

The Editorial Team publishes the TRUTH, the purest TRUTH, and the TRUTH only! And what was not true will be made true. It rando… erm, reliably selects current events, problems and occurences from the dorm and uni life, researches backgrounds, analyses all the facts and drafts informative summaries and overflowing commentaries, chooses ways and formats of distribution and offers the information - usually in writing - in an entertai… erm, efficient and educational way to all dormitory inhabitants.
You would like to promote an event within the dormitory or have a question concerning one of our postings? We’re here for you! Contact us via our social media channels (see below) or write a mail to .

Members of the Editorial team

That’s us - the Rommel Editorial Team

Rommel Info - All you really need to know!

The category Rommel Info addresses all inhabitants and always contains information of common relevance. This includes e.g. announcements of the Studentenwerk, bike removal campaigns or organisational notices concerning dormitory facilities (common rooms, washing machines, grills, etc.). The Editorial Team strongly recommends to heed all e-mails whose subject line is prefaced by [rommel-info] and to explicitly exclude them from the spam filter!

Rommel News - The latest from the dormitory

When the garden team has cultivated a new breed of potato, the bar team rolled out an own beer creation or the network team added a denunciation feature to the website, you will first hear about it on Rommel News. The information presented here are generally phrased more entertainingly than those on Rommel Info but not of special urgency for the inhabitants. A short skim through those mails can still be worthwhile.
To satisfy the efficient businessfolk and video-watching reading sloths among our “audience”, we guarantee you a 60-second-experience. We promise that you can absorb all important information in the newsletter within 60 seconds by skimming the emphasized bold texts. What we can’t promise is that you won’t at some point get caught on one curiosity or another, and will read half the mail yet!

Rommel Social

Editorial Team might at first glance sound old-fashioned and dusty, but we do directly participate in the community and social life. Not least to be able to offer you an enlightening and profound insight into the dormitory and association life. Our blatant goal is of course the self-adulation and advertisement for the association, especially among the inhabitants.
Via our social media channels we will keep you up to date and make sure that you will most certainly no longer miss an event. Our message: “Be proud of our association! Get involved!”
We always appreciate posts, comments and likes!
