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of the Rommelwood Association

Struktorgram Vereinsstruktur

Description of the entities

The general assembly

… is responsible for the following tasks

The General Assembly is held at least once a year, usually in one of the common rooms. All members of the Association can participate.

“Discharge of the Board” means that the members of the Association officially agree to the actions of the Board in the past financial year so that the Board can no longer be held accountable in case any mistakes, e.g. in accounting, should be discovered retroactively.

Auditors are members of the association, who themselves do not have a seat in the dormitory council, and thus can independently check the finances of the association for misappropriation (e.g. by the board).

House Meetings and Speakers

The house meetings are another possibility for club members to interfere in dormitory matters. They take place at least once per semester and house. Participants of the house meetings are all residents of the respective house, thus not only the club members. In the house meetings primarily the affairs of the house are decided. However, only the club members present decide on matters concerning the association. They also elect the two house spokespersons. The spokespersons of the house present the requests of the house, which are also decided in the house meeting, to the council of the dormitory.

The current house spokespersons are:

The commitee

The commitee consits of the following persons:

These were elected by the members of the association at the last ordinary general meeting. The term of office is one (business) year. A new board is then elected, whereby of course the same persons can also be re-elected.

The main task of the board is to represent the association, i.e. above all to conclude contracts on behalf of the association. The association may be represented by the first chairman or the second chairman alone or, in the event that the first and second chairmen are unable to attend at the same time, by the secretary together with the cashier.
The work of the board is of course voluntary, i.e. the members of the board do not receive any remuneration for their work.

Of course, every member of the board has a seat on the dormitory council.

The departments and their spokespersons

A team is nothing more than a community of interests of association members. The members of these interest groups elect a spokesperson for their team from among their own ranks. This gives the speaker a seat on the dormitory council. Currently there are six departments in our association: To learn more about the individual teams please use their own information offer on our homepage.

The Council of the Dormitory

The dormitory council consists of a total of 19 people: Four board members, 10 house spokespersons and six team spokespersons. The Council meets at least once per semester. Depending on the topics addressed, e.g. the caretakers or data protection commissioner can also be invited - as an expert so to speak.

You can find out more about this in the articles of association or by reading the minutes of the last meeting. This will appear on the notice board of each house no later than two weeks after the meeting.

Comment on “Erwin-Lakers e. V.”

The “Erwin-Lakers e. V.” sports club is completely independent of “Rommelwood e. V.”. You can find out more about the articles of association, membership and board of the “Erwin-Lakers e. V.” on the sports pages.

The Erwin-Lakers e. V. is represented by Bastian Rüppel.